This ornament shows Eastman Lodge as it looks during the Christmas Season at Camp Eastman, located on the banks of the Mississippi River. During the summer of 1935, Mrs. Eastman had built, in memory of her husband, a stone lodge which is known as "Eastman Lodge", and equipped it with heavy oak tables and benches, refrigerator, copper pipe water system and other things necessary, at a cost of well over $10,000. Mrs. Eastman spread the cement and helped in placing the cornerstone for this building on the 3rd day of June, 1935 with an appropriate cornerstone ceremony, attended by many Rotarians, friends and interested Scouts, Scouters and neighbors. The Nauvoo Artist, C. Steve Hanlin, grew up in Hamilton Illinois just 7 miles from Camp Eastman. He spent many summers camping there as a boy and served on camp staff for ten years. He is an international educator having taught at Cairo American College in Cairo Egypt for seventeen years. Until his recent retirement, Steve taught at Shanghai American School in Shanghai, China. He has had a home in Nauvoo for many years. This Camp Eastman Development Association exclusive ornament combines the traditional Chinese skill of painting on the inside of the glass with the design based on one of the paintings from the Nauvoo Artist. This piece is hand-painted on the inside of the glass ball. We compliment the ornament with a sturdy and classic top to give you a unique and exquisitely designed glass ornament.
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