The mission of the Camp Eastman Development Association is the enhancement of the Camp Eastman experience. Since it's inception in 1995 (as the Tribe of the Silver Tomahawk Alumni), CEDA has been instrumental in raising funds, writing grants, and securing donated materials and labor for dozens of projects, both large and small in scope.
Below is a comprehensive list of projects funded and carried out by CEDA:
-Graveling of the parking lot.
-Refurbishing/remodeling of Eastman Lodge including:
Custom fit, aluminum thermal pane windows;
2 high efficiency furnaces and associated duct work;
New fire escape door for the loft;
Tuck-pointing the interior and exterior of the building;
Replacement of the lower level floor in the kitchen, main room, and office;
Reconstruction of the fireplace;
New kitchen appliances;
Commercial grade ventilation hood;
New stainless steel sink and work areas;
Remodeling of the loft area;
Remodel and upgrade of the restroom facilities;
Collecting and installing displays of scouting memorabilia;
Clearing of brush and trees around the lodge;
Replacing the front and side walkways creating barrier-free access.
-Refurbish and restore the camp fire bell
-Removal of numerous trees and over 100 tree stumps.
-Repair and blacktop of camp roads
-Construction of a Vending Center
-Creation of a memorial tree program / arboretum (57 trees planted to date)
-Expansion/Improvement of the Trading Post including:
Shelter addition;
Lighting and electrical work;
New entry/exit doors;
New roofing;
Exterior paint;
Concrete sidewalk from the new addition to the driveway
Window repair/reconstruction.
-Expansion of the waterfront program area including:
Construction of a new boathouse with electricity;
New observation tower;
Purchase of boats for the program:
6 kayaks;
A catamaran sailboat;
A ski boat with motor;
New boat docks;
New buddy board;
Other equipment required to operate a safe and exciting waterfront program.
-Sports Recreation area improvements including:
New basketball court and goals;
2 sand volleyball pits, nets, and equipment;
Soccer goals nets, and equipment.
-Construction of the Scoutcraft Shelter.
-Construction of the Archery Range and waiting shelter.
-Construction of tent platforms in the staff area.
-Installation of a concrete flag pole pad including a vault for the new time capsule.
-Construction of a Low-Level and High-Level COPE Course including:
Purchase of all construction materials and tools needed;
Construction of events;
COPE Storage Building construction
Purchase of all COPE equipment,
COPE director training costs;
Promotional materials;
Purchase of participant awards.
-Purchase and installation of 4 large park-style grills throughout camp.
-Construction of log benches in the T-2-1 and staff areas.
-Construction of pole shelters near the Admin shelter, T-2-1, Handicraft, and the Wrens campsite.
-College scholarships awarded to Camp Staff.
-Camperships awarded to deserving Scouts.
-Monetary Donation to the Mississippi Valley Council toward the pool office/health lodge construction fund.
-Installation of 2 drinking fountains in the commons area of camp
-Construction of bulletin boards for campsites
-Construction and installation of routered signs at campsites, program areas, and camp landmarks