Picnic Tables
In January of 2014, The Camp Eastman Development Association submitted a proposal and received approval from the Mississippi Valley Council to fund a multi-year plan to increase the number of useable picnic tables in campsites and program areas of Camp Eastman.
Some of the existing tables were built for "short-term" use for specific activities and were not constructed for long-term durability. Many tables were in various states of disrepair, and several were unusable.
Thanks to generous donations of both time and labor CEDA has been able to complete the entire 5 year project in just a few short months. In the original proposal, CEDA would purchase materials for and construct 12 new 8-foot tables each year. Just prior to the start of Boy Scout Resident Camp in 2014, CEDA Board Directors and volunteers completed the construction of the last of the 60 new tables.
The tables were built using high-strength galvanized steel frames and Micro-Pro treated lumber that will stand up to many years of use and will be easily repaired. The table frames were purchased from an Iowa company, Kay Park Recreation of Janesville. Retail costs for the materials and labor for the project would have been well over $20,000, but thanks to generous reductions in pricing from Kay Park Recreation, Hartrick Lumber, and the well over 500 hours of volunteer labor, the final cost of the project was significantly less.
The CEDA Board of Directors would like to thank all of the Camp Eastman supporters whose monetary donations made this project possible. Another well-deserved thank you goes out to the following individuals for offering their time to provide the labor to construct the tables:
Paul Feheseke Randy Readinger
Mike Hausch Gary Sheets
Norm Marrah Cole Smith
Randy Pickle
Project Gallery